Wednesday, November 4, 2009

easy life?

" Allah tidak akan menguji hamba nya melainkan ujian itu tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan hamba nya itu.."

thats the phrase yang aku pernah baca,sort of cematu,and phrase tu jua yang make aku okay at most of times. aku sedih :'( aku rindu life ku yang dulu.. it doesnt feel at ease macam i used to feel macam dulu tu,now commitment tu tambah tambah,i know its not my responsibilities kan do semua things regarding raising that baby,tapi how??entah a,aku pun inda tau how parents masani and how am i going to be one in future nanti,aku admit,aku pun inda tau how fate ku nanti,but now.. aku sedih..dari dimalam wa,hmm,tapi biarlah,im going to be okay jua tu karang huhu. kan belajar masani pun payah payahan,bukan kan mengusut pasal belajar or what,tapi kenapa..orang inda faham aku try kan belajar tu?in the end aku kana salah kan jua tu..cakap aku inda belajar lah apa lah..enough!!! :(.. how aku kan buat dorang faham tu a??if sometime aku ngaleh after jaga baby tu,macam tertidur tia when baca buku tu,then entah!..aku inda pandai kan cakap lagi. blogging ni pun pasal ive no one to share.. or might understand the situation huhu. sabar saja,ada hikmah nya ni. .


Anonymous said...

Ya Rabbi, siapa ni? This is way too dark for anyone yang aku tau.

Anyway, keep us updated! Semoga Allah membantu mempermudahkan kehidupanmu untuk terus belajar. Aku pun pernah have such difficult problem dulu, yang almost took away all my time to study. But, eventually it came to an end, although its definitely not a happy ending, it ended nonetheless. So the best advice that i can give you is that stay strong and don't lose yourself cause everything will come an end eventually. Have faith in that :)

Anonymous said...

I think I know who this is but I am not sure.. well, been there done that.. Sabar saja for now.. Berkat sabar atu nanti, ada balasan yang indah akan datang tu.. I agree with the first comment, it would come to an end.. sooner or later.. Be strong!!! =D