I am HOME! Hohoho, after 5-days (actually it was supposed to be a week, but more on that later) of pure fun and sometimes hell, BCTA is nearly over, save for the closing ceremony tomorrow. For those of you who dont know, BCTA stands for Belia Cinta Tanah Air. Its a programme introduced by our very own Pusat Belia dan Sukan to expose the youth to "Bruneian" activities and morale.
Since I am not feeling well right now and all that I have been doing this whole day is sleep, I am going to write my experiences during the programme. When I first joined BCTA, we were briefed on the two phases of the programme.
First phase involved the National Day celebration at Padang SOAS. So, all of us have to undergo 3-weeks training for the celebration. Inda pulang tiap hari kami practice, almost every other day lah, but still it was very very tiring.. Fortunately, Zudin and two other good friends of mine from MD also signed up for this event so the trainings were not as boring as I thought it would be. Overtime, I get to know more people and started to talk to random people (including Blogger J's Ex ;), yes, he signed up too, hahaha ) After all the trainings, the actual event came. The day before the celebrations, we were asked to sleep at this place called Games Village. The weird thing is, it is called Perkampungan Sukan in Malay. haha..
So there, we have to sleep in groups with people around Brunei from all the 4 districts. My room was room 307, on the third floor which I shared with Didi(Temburong), Salihin(Tutong) and two other guys from KB. The non-KBians were OK, we mind our own business but the same cannot be said for the KB people. They were, uhmm, weird? haha.. Yes, at least to me. You know what they did the first night? Well, all of us got to the hostel around 12 midnight after trainings and prayers at SOAS mosque. Obviously, we were all tired and sleepy so most people went to their rooms to shower and then sleep. The KB-ians, weirdly enough, decided instead to gather in MY/our room and..... drink some alcoholic drinks that they brought from home. As if that was not enough, they then smoke. Haha, what a luck. Then, one of our supervisors came and they all went chaotic. Waking me up in the process. Shesshh, what a bunch of morons. HAHAHA, actually, after getting to know some of the during the later phase, they were quite ok lah, and they are also non-muslim, which explains a lot of things.
The national day came, we were asked to be prepared at 3.30, then have our Subuh prayer together and then zoomed to Bandar. The actual event was a breeze, except for some minor imperfections. The trainings were worth it, no doubt about that.
Then comes the last phase, we were randomly selected to be sent to districts other than ours. Me, Zudin and one of my friends from MD were chosen to be sent to Tutong! haha, what a luck. It was very fortunate for me though, as without them, I don't think I would enjoy the experience as much as I did.
Day 1: The participants being sent to Tutong were brought to this small rest house with 3 bedrooms and 3 toilets. Within each room there are 2 queen-sized beds. Imagine this; there were 22 of us boys and we have to share the same house. hahaha. So, Me, zudin and my friend Zul, decided to sleep in the living room. Actually, Zudin got his own room but he decided to join me and Zul. I have no idea why.. But I am glad he did cause otherwise I would not have anyone to talk to during the night. Zul, as i know him, is never a talkative person hahaha.. The first day, we have to go through some more trainings for an opening event the next day. It was very tiring.. Imagine having to train after doing the National Day celebrations. Then the night came and I get to know almost everybody else. They were great people and I was pretty sure that the coming days will be full of fun.
Day 2: We have to wake up at 3.30 to get ready for Subuh prayer at the mosque. It was then that we discovered a MAJOR problem, the water pressure is terribly low. So either we all have to use the bathroom one by one or we would have to use the pipes outside on the ground floor. Since time is very limited, most opted to shower downstairs. Me on the other hand, decided to wait until most people are ready and then use the bathroom. It was a right decision as I get to enjoy my shower in private hahaha, although it was very brief (less than 5 mins). After the Subuh prayers, we then attend the opening ceremony for Tutong BCTA. It rained, we have to be-kawat in the rain and stand for like almost 15mins. As if that was not enough, we then have to "kawat" some more going around Pekan Tutong. Then, we went to Penanjong Camp and again kawat from the beach to the mosque. It was approximately a 2KM journey. Very tiring but we had fun. We went back to the hostel around 5 and then at 6 we went to the mosque. There, we were forced to lead this one type of dikir. Most of us (including me) were pretty much clueless hahaha.. We got home around 11.
Day 3: After the usual Subuh prayer, we visited the Penanjong mosque for a talk on the history of Kampong Penanjong. I still cannot believe how utterly USELESS this talk was. Seriously, who cares about the history of somebody elses village? I dont, haha.. The speaker was the Ketua Kampong himself. He was very charismatic, he speaks slowly and clearly. Unfortunately, the talk was really really boring. The presentation slides were full of WORDS with just one or two pictures, and according to my memory there were about 15 slides altogether. Pure torture. hahaha.. At night there was a talk by 3-tokohs who have received some sort of award by his Majesty. It was a very longggggggg talk and ended at 1100PM. We got home at 1130. When we arrived at our house, ada tia kana announced that we have to go to Pusat Belia for something secret. CRAP/SHOOT was my exact thought that moment. We were sleepy as hell and the AJK decided to make a suprise. Great. Turned out, it was an unofficial ice breaking ceremony. I didn't enjoy this part a bit cause my contact lens were getting dry and I can barely see a thing. We were done at 1230 and since our buses were gone, we have to walk home. Aduhh, sedihh.. Baik jua the guys who walked with me yang siuk2, ada jua kan dicakap2kan walaupun aku inda kenal durang hahahah.. That subuh, I was supposed to help Zudin and Zul compose a speech for our leader, Amin, for the closing ceremony on the next day. But, I was very tired and selfishly decided to sleep instead. I am sure that some people were pissed at me for this haha.. But, I cannot stand having to sleep for such a short time. Usually, I get to sleep for 12 hours straight, now I only get to sleep for 4 hours AT MOST. Of course, I was cranky haha.. Around 2AM, I woke up to the sound of Zudin talking and told him to shut up. hahahaha, Sorry Dino... Apparently they had the most fun that night. HOnestly, i don't feel left out cause to me, I would rather sleep than spend time with people who you would only be in contact with for the next few days hahahaha..
Day 4: I woke up around 6 and to my suprise, I was the first one to be awake that day! hahahaha, happily I went to the toilet quietly and took my time enjoying the abundance of water. When I was done, it was nearly 7! hahahahahaha, we were asked to be ready at 730. So, I woke Zul up and left the task of waking up the rest to him hahahaha... It was chaotic, but at least I get to actually shower :D.. Yes, I know.. pretty selfish of me.. Baik jua durang inda tau hahahah.. Lapas atu we went to the mosque for the closing ceremony. Then, there is this closing ceremony for Fasa III. It was OK, at least we dont have to do anything wawawa... Then sembahyang Jumaat and back to the house. Then baruth arah Game's Village. Aku balik kerumah pasal abgku betunang the next day. Balik, tarus ku mandi and bagi baju2 untuk disasah, then tidur until the next afternoon. Sudah ku bangun ramai udah urang datang hhahaha..
2/28: Today was the actual closing date for BCTA 2010. Yes, you guessed it. Mestilah ada crying session. Ughhh. Zudin cried. The girls cried and so did the boys. I can't fathom why they cried tho, do they really care that much about each other? I have no idea. I mean baru jua seminggu kenal sudah tia cani.. Apa lagi setaun ni haha.. No, I did not cry. Entah ah, maybe pasal aku didn't really get to know them well. If there is any award for the least attentive participant maybe aku kali dapat haha.. Cause seriously, aku inda berapa mix with them lah and I dunno why. They were great people and I am sure that it is totally my loss. Ganya I don't see the point bah, lapas ani inda jua bejumpa2 ni. Bahapath kan rapat2 haha.. Well, thats my view anyway. Throughout the programme, I talked the most to (in descending order) Zul, Faisal, Zudin, Faiz and yang lain atu maybe less than 15mins kali hahahahahaha.. I know, gila bitchy aku ah. I am sorry for that, tapi its too late sudah kan. Mudahan durang semua inda banci, amin.. hahahaha
End of BCTA. Chapter Closed.
Now, I want to share about the BSP Assessment Center lagi haha.. I know.. Panjang kan postku ani. Biartia bah, sekali sekala. Lapas ani nada ku mengupdate lagi ni since sibuk buat business plan.
Awal2, kami kana suruh bekumpul arah parking bukit Shahbandar. Sekali udah ku kesana, I met Zudin and another familiar face. Rupanya its Yusatiqah, my ex-further maths partner wawawa. Lapas atu I met Dibah from PTEM, then datang Hafiz. C Hafiz ani aku kenal pasal I met him masa one of the BSP talks yang aku attend for fun hahaha.. Ia duduk sebalahku. So kirakan aku kenal semua lah.
After semua sudah masuk van, ke Tutong lagi tu pick one chinese gurl. Namanya Candy. Ia ani muanya serius,tapi sudah kenal OK jua rupanya. Cool lah jua.
Sudah kami sampai sana, checked in. Lapas atu we had some problems finding our room ahaha.. Imagine, 3 students with 3As on their A-level struggling to find bilik haha. bari malu wah kami ah, but durang atu jua. Lain2an arahannya sorang2. Sorang cakap left, sorang lagi cakap right. Sudah tejumpa, impressed kami tarus. Lawa lah apartmentnya! Ada Astro Max! The one yang can record, forward and rewind broadcast ah. Siuk, sakai ku tarus wawawa.
Then, after maghrib ada briefing. Pasal ia punya assessment process. Ia ada 3 stages:
1) Group Discussion.
2) In-Tray exercise
3) Proposal
Malas ku kan explain detailsnya sal at this stage aku pun inda berapa paham. So malam atu we get to know batch kami yang kana assess sama2. the boys ada aku, Zudin, Hafiz and 3 KB-ians; Syuaib, Khalaf and one chinese yang aku lupa namanya, haha.. sorry2.
That night, the muslim boys ramai2 sembayang arah Masjid sana so we get to know each other better lah. Iatah aku inda berapa kenal the chinese guy jua. The boys were very fine indeed, I wouldnt expect less considering their excellent results (Y). Fun and at least durang paham jokes ku wawawa. Kami dinner arah dewannya, lapas atu kakaku yang keraja diBelait bawa kami jalan2 haha. Satu pulang ganya kadai kami aga tu. I think it was Supasave kali. Siuk lah kadainya, barang2nya lain2an. nada di Brunei Muara. Kami apa th lagi shopping sakan th tarus. Sayang jua kana lanja atu :P
Lapas atu balik ke apartment, lepak2 sama Zudin and Hafiz liat cerita sambil becerita2. Siuk lah malam atu. Akhir tidur. Aku susah sikit kan tidur pasal tilamku bebau haha.. Inda ku tau bau apa, masam lagi tu. Akhirnya tepaksa jua ku tidur since sofanya diluar atu inda berapa nyaman wawawa..
The next day, the assessment day! Bangun kul 7 then tarus chow ke Assessment Center durang. Aku sebenarnya inda nervous wah masa ani pasal I really2 don't want the scholarship. Aku datang pun pasal I read ada this previous Sultan Scholar's Scholar blog cakapnya yang assessment ani beguna banar untuk interview SS. So, aku mau experience plus c Zudin pun minta dangani kan. Why not, aku inda jua rugi apa-apa.
So the first one was Group Discussion. Kami kana bagi2kan dalam groups, 3 orang each group. My group mates were Dibah and Syuaib. For the exercise kami kana bagi 3 projects. Kana suruh imagine kami ani part of a hospital management yang mendecide how to allocate funds. Each of us kana bagi one project to consider then kami mesti decide within 30mins which project to invest in considering the limited funds and how to allocate the funds to the selected projects. It was okay lah, not great just okay since I did not get to talk much. I debated why my project should be chosen and how it was important and all. Syuaib acted pretty much like our leader. A very fair one. He encouraged me and Dibah to talk about our projects. Too much i think, sampai he only got 3 mins to discuss his while we got like 7 mins each. In the end, we decided to go with mine and Syuaib projects. Dibah willingly forfeit sal even she is not convinced of the importance of her project. So it was okay lah. Lucky for me to get these two as my team haha..
The first exercise didnt really scare me cause kami beramai kan. Sekali sudah the second one kabak2 tia ku sal sorang2. Intray ani kami kana bagi like about 15sheets of information. Kana suruh imagine tani ani assistant arah boss kedai makanan, sekali one day ia sakit and tani kana suruh ganti ia. Yang keratas2 lain atu surat2an lah pasal mcam2. Ada yang kan beranti keraja, kan memohon keraja, mengcomplain tia macam2 lah. Then kana suruh assign priority to each task. Kana bagi 1hour to prepare. Then masuk dalam jumpa assessors mesti bagi 5min presentation on the task. VERY AWKWARD. haha, banar. I talked randomly. Gila, i think this one is the most difficult among all lah.. They asked questions like "How do you measure success" and things like that. And one of the most memorable moment for me is when they asked what would I do to this guy which handles my company's account after someone discovered some disparancies in the account. Sekali ku jawap, I would hire and independent investigator to further explain the situation. Sekali katanya would you go as far as sacking this guy? Ku jawap, Definitely no, I would consider sending him to some correction unit (antam saja tia) but I would not go as far as firing him. I firmly believe that everybody deserves a second chance. Esehh, aku pun inda sangka kan jawap catu haha.. Sekali durang cakap "S***L definitely does not believe in that" pastu ketawa tia, entah inda ku paham kenapa haha.. Maybe pasal safety kali, once you screwed up tarus kana kick tanpa ampun dan maaf. Also,in this session, i found some truth in what the HR officer words during the briefing, that the assessors are trying their best to find our talents not our faults. Its very true cause kan I didnt communicate effectively wah during this session. ENglishku beterabur. Everytime durang inda paham cakapku, durang bagi chance untuk explain and then durang rephrase and write down the better sentence. Baik lah durang ani!
NEXT is the Proposal exercise. In this exercise, we were given 5 problems to choose from. Pilih satu and you were given one hour to propose a solution to the
problem. Again, the first 5 mins masuk jumpa assessors atu mesti bagi presentation of your proposal. I carefully laid out my thoughts masa that 1 hour, then prepare the 5min speech. Masa ku prepare atu ngam2 ia 5min. Tapi masa sudah the real one, 4min saja tia! Belacan eh.. Then lapas ku abis baca scriptku, tediam ku sekajap. Then ku cakap "Actually that was supposed to be the end of my presentation.", sekali ketawa tia dua org assessors ah. Katanya kalau abis, abis lh. Apa blh buat. hahaha.. Then durang tanya lagi lagi details (details yang sebenar2 detailed) pasal your proposal. GILAA, the questions were hard! macam half of the questions aku inda bagi answer haha.. Most of the time aku cakap "can we.." blabla.. catulah, then aku slowly work out answerku based on their answers hahaha.I know, crap aku ah.. What to do, mun namanya udah inda ku tau jawapannya...
Lapas atu abis tia.. We get to eat lagi sekali beramai2. We talk and talk and talk then kana suruh balik tia. Durang gtau dalam mid to end of march durang announce results. TAPI kan, two days later, ada tia durang tipun.. First one inda ku tejawap since aku masih tidur. Then ku tpun balik. sekali sekali sekali, ia tanya "last time kau buat unsure of your course antara computer science and BSP courses. Ani sure sudah?", and aku answer "Ermm... yeah sure.." padahal inda hahaha.. Pastu tanyanya lagi "Uni2mu UCAS ani cemana?" ku jawaplah yang blh diemail minta tukar course(awuu, sitaie aku ah hahaha.. Chemical Engineering lagi beguna Physics tu hahaha) Then baruth ia cakap congratulations ah, you passed our assessment center. Aku tekajutlah since aku inda mau and honestly aku rasa I was super crappy masa session atu. Ku tanya lagi tu "Banr kah? Cana blh?" HAHAHA.... Then baruth ia gtau, since aku tulis last time yang aku considering Chemical, Mechanical and Petroleum engineering, durang kan meeting kan dulu which course kan offer aku. Masa dangar ani aku macam, banar2 jua ia kan mengambil ani. Aku main2 saja. hahahaha. But still, Alhamdulillah lah dapat. At least satu sudah dalam gengaman. Only things to do untuk fully dapat the scholarship is the MIB test sama work placement.
Aku mau DANA masih sebenarnya... Indath kira mesti keraja sama kerajaan, pasal I really2 want to do computer science wah for my degree. Tapikan, towards the end of the phone call ada ia cakap "HECASmu sudah kau antar?", then ku jawap "Sudah", pastu nya "Ahh, bah nanti kami menarik balik.".. FYI, HECAS ani macam UCAS tapinya untuk apply locally di Brunei for Scholarships, UBD, ITB and etc. SOOO, if ia tarik balik nada jua ku apply for scholarships tu. Tarusku bangang, tapi inda jua ku cakap apa2. Mudahan saja ia inda tarik awal2. At least tunggu lah DANA interview orang ah.. Entah eh, aku pun inda sure. Nantith ku email durang lagi tanya whether kami blh tunggu for other scholarship or not. Hmmm..
And lagi satu, Imperial bagi aku conditional offer! Atupun lapas ku email resultsku. TAPI TAPI TAPI durang talur ah! Tau ia udah physicsku B, baginya jua conditional Physics(A), Maths (A*), sama Chemistry(A) or COmputing(A) and Merit in AEA maths. CRAP jua tu offernya ah! Tau udah physicsku B. A* pun alum wujud masa batchku. I have no idea cana durang kan grade A* for my case. Paper maths ku semua plg A but A nya atu brapa inda jua ku tau tu. And pasal AEA maths atu, inda ku tau dimana kan register diBrunei ah! Lain lagi tu syllabusnya. Sedih ku ih :( .... Inda apa lah, nya mamamku mun bukan rezeki atu bukan th tu......
Speaking of my mom.. Tadi aku cerita2 wah sama ia didapur.. Aku cerita lah pasal BCTA ah.. Mamaku ani urang tutong. Iatah ku gtau masa ku di TUtong atu semua bini2 sana ku liat macam nampak mua mamaku wah. Luan rindu kali hehehe.. Aku atu saja2 kan share2 kan, sekali mamaku becerita tia jua. Nya masa ku disana, ia balik2 macam tedangar suaraku becakap padahal abg2/adi2ku becakap. Tarus ia cakap "Balik jua sudah c *my name here* ni", sekali siblingsku heran tarus. AWWWWWWWW, :') , cam sedih ku tarus mendangar. Rasakan ku paluk wah mamaku ah hahaha.. :)) baik jua tua udah aku ani hohoho.. Tarusth ku becerita lagi. Kataku macam ragu2 jua ku kan ke UK. Mun seminggu sudah kecarian, apath lagi 3 tahun.. Ku gtau jua yang aku consider BSP lagi sal of the 1 year in Brunei. Mau jua ku be-elaun untuk balikkan ia hadiah this year :D Sekali nya mamaku, "awu bagus plg tu setaun di Brunei ah. Manasaja lah, ikut apa yang kau mau. Nanti2 biasa jua tu diUK ah.".. Mamaku ani biasa ni.. Ia cakap manasaja plg selalu, tapi selalu ada hint apa sebenarnya yang ia mau. Hehehe, yang banarnya maybe ia inda mau aku belayar langsung kali :P But, I think I have to go abroad at least once lah. To prove something to myself :))
Nah, thats the end of my post. 3 hari composing baruth siap! HAHAHAHA....... Bubye.. See you next week :P
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Earth Hour
So, i have just read Blogger J's post on Earth Hour.
Actually, i wanted to post this post as a comment on her blog. But, on second thought I think i should just post here haha..
What is the point of turning off the lamps for just a brief one hour?? Its not like they consume that much energy anyway.. People are better off turning their ACs and PCs haha.. Just my opinion of course. Though seriously, I find it very pointless.
So, to show that you care for our planet, all you have to do is turn off the lights for one hour?? Oooh, if only it is that easy..
Why cant they instead promote things like public transport, energy-efficient computers and bulbs and etc. While they might not seem as dramatic as the "living in the dark for 1 hour" thingy, they will, without doubt, decreases greenhouse emission significantly in the long run.
In case you are wondering, yes, i am against most big organizations that try to "save our planet" when all they care about is $$$. The so called "green organizations" are usually backed up by giant corporations that funded these things to appear "green". heck, it has even become an industry nowadays.
Fortunately, that does not mean I am not aware of the consequences of global warming. I tried my best, as an individual, to reduce my carbon emission by only using notebooks (with integrated graphic adapter, may i add), turning off the lights when Im out and asleep, limit my AC usage to an hour a day and etc.. While I know they are not significant, at least its significantly cutting my carbon emission when compared to that one proposed action for earth hour!
Come on people, is light all that we are willing to lose for our planet? Surely we can do more. And another thing, why does it have to be for just one hour? If you really love our planet (and i doubt you do), try your best to reduce your carbon footprint by changing your daily routine. There is absolutely no need to wait for such (crappy) event to start saving our planet. Is it too hard to care for our planet everyday? At least when you are old and our planet is screwed (though i am sure we will not live to see the consequences of our action.. Thank God for that haha), our great(times X which is a real number)-grandchildren cannot blame us (hahah, lame)..
Thank you. The End
Actually, i wanted to post this post as a comment on her blog. But, on second thought I think i should just post here haha..
What is the point of turning off the lamps for just a brief one hour?? Its not like they consume that much energy anyway.. People are better off turning their ACs and PCs haha.. Just my opinion of course. Though seriously, I find it very pointless.
So, to show that you care for our planet, all you have to do is turn off the lights for one hour?? Oooh, if only it is that easy..
Why cant they instead promote things like public transport, energy-efficient computers and bulbs and etc. While they might not seem as dramatic as the "living in the dark for 1 hour" thingy, they will, without doubt, decreases greenhouse emission significantly in the long run.
In case you are wondering, yes, i am against most big organizations that try to "save our planet" when all they care about is $$$. The so called "green organizations" are usually backed up by giant corporations that funded these things to appear "green". heck, it has even become an industry nowadays.
Fortunately, that does not mean I am not aware of the consequences of global warming. I tried my best, as an individual, to reduce my carbon emission by only using notebooks (with integrated graphic adapter, may i add), turning off the lights when Im out and asleep, limit my AC usage to an hour a day and etc.. While I know they are not significant, at least its significantly cutting my carbon emission when compared to that one proposed action for earth hour!
Come on people, is light all that we are willing to lose for our planet? Surely we can do more. And another thing, why does it have to be for just one hour? If you really love our planet (and i doubt you do), try your best to reduce your carbon footprint by changing your daily routine. There is absolutely no need to wait for such (crappy) event to start saving our planet. Is it too hard to care for our planet everyday? At least when you are old and our planet is screwed (though i am sure we will not live to see the consequences of our action.. Thank God for that haha), our great(times X which is a real number)-grandchildren cannot blame us (hahah, lame)..
Thank you. The End
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The weeks after results
Ya Rabbi, only God knows how busy and tiring this month is for me..
First thing first, A am not over my results yet, and I doubt I will ever be.
Then, the scholarships..
Alhamdulillah, even with my results I am still eligible for all of the scholarships offered in Brunei.
First, Sultan Scholar.. During our last meeting, I found out that the minimum requirements for SS is just 3As.. So yes, I still have a chance at this thing! haha..
They called me twice, the first one to know my results and the second one to ask me to collect the registration form from their headquarters. But but but, i didn't answer their second call, hahaha.. I was busy with the march-past rehearsal, so payah lah kan jawap. Baik jua Zudin sudah kana call, so I know what they want hahaha..
Second, MinDef Scholarship. Last Monday (kali lah), durang called me. The first question that the lady asked was "What did you get for your Malay O-level?".. Sekali aku jawaplah "B3 saja" with a sad tone, walaupun aku inda tau siapa becakap atu haha.. So then ia cakap "Oh, OK masih tu!..." and only then ia introduced herself. Weird haha.. They want me to come to their scholarship briefing last Friday. I went there, sekali sudah sampai I waited for Zudin. Tapi di tlipun inda menjawap so naik th ku bas (bangunan where the event will take place ani mesti pakai bas masuk, kerita biasa inda kana suruh. Dunno why.) and off to the hall. Sudah ku masuk, ada rupanya c Zudin sudah! Belacan th banar. One more thing, sudah ku sampai atu baru ku realized yang aku sorang saja pakai baju cara melayu hahaha.. Orang lain semua pakai formal attire. Well inda pulang ku ingau, pasal th tu. lagipun banyak CINA, so pedulith ku tuu..
During the briefing, kami kana explain pasal the selection process. And the selection process begins this month! Arghhhh... Gila, atu panjang processnya! Ada oral interview, written test, short speech, presentation, leadership test and so on. Iatah aku inda berharap langsung ni haha, but Im still gonna take a shot at it. Sayang jua kan, alang2 udah layak atu, cuba saja tia.. And another thing yang ku suka, they specifically stated Computer Science as one of the preferred field. haha, Alhamdulillah. Suka lah ku tarus, iatah aku cuba ani :)
Third one is the BSP scholarship. They are not offering scholarship for Computer Science. Tapi tadi they called and asked whether I still want to go through their assessment center or not and hence their scholarship. Sekali aku gtau lah, "Im keeping my options open." hahaha, sekali katanya bah.. then gtau nya tia that this Tuesday we are going to Seria and tidur sana! Woohoo! Funny thing is, she mentioned that Zudin asked about me when she called her! haha, and katanya "Walaupun we provide one room for each, but you can still share room if you are scared..", atu ketawa ku tarus hahahaha... Sekali katanya if aku dapat scholarship durang, apa course aku mau buat. Ku gtau saja Chemical Engineering.. Pasal awal2 before I did computing for my A-levels, ani plg sebenarnya targetku tapi udah ku belajar computing atu tukar tia jadi Computer Science. Tapi katanya, for Chemical Engineering, mesti buat twinning program arah ITB and arah this one Uni at scotland yang aku inda pernah dangar. This is a real letdown for me... but again, im still gonna try to get this scholarship! hahaha, i heard their assessment center was really hard..
Final one is the MoE scholarships.. The DANA and Special Scheme.. Again, I met the requirements for both of them. So cuba2 lah saja apply.. the DANA one is on the top of my preferred scholarship. Why? Cause the selection process is the simplest of all and yet we still get to choose our future career although kana bonded with the government.
BTW, did you remember about the HSBC Young Entrepreneur Award Competition thingy that Me, Zudin and Liyana joined? Yes, we made it to round 2 haha.. For round 2, we were required to write a business plan. And kami alum start langsung! haha... Tomorrow we are gonna meet at Zudin's house untuk discuss. Mudahan saja sampat buat eh. if inda pun inda pulang papa, as long as we get the certificates.
So, this month aku ada:
1) Projek Belia Cinta Tanah Air
2) HSBC business plan
3) MinDef tests (including a medical checkup..)
4) Mengantar SS borang yang alum ku ambil
5) BSP tests
6) Abgku kan betunang next week! Baru ku tau yesterday :S hahaha..
Pokoknya sibuk lah this month. Kadang2 masa untuk tidur pun dalam 2 jam saja.. hmm.. Tapikan, I do realize that I am currently being offered many opportunities that many can only dream of having. So, I will try my best and let the rest be decided by Allah. Wish me luck! Assalamualaikum..
First thing first, A am not over my results yet, and I doubt I will ever be.
Then, the scholarships..
Alhamdulillah, even with my results I am still eligible for all of the scholarships offered in Brunei.
First, Sultan Scholar.. During our last meeting, I found out that the minimum requirements for SS is just 3As.. So yes, I still have a chance at this thing! haha..
They called me twice, the first one to know my results and the second one to ask me to collect the registration form from their headquarters. But but but, i didn't answer their second call, hahaha.. I was busy with the march-past rehearsal, so payah lah kan jawap. Baik jua Zudin sudah kana call, so I know what they want hahaha..
Second, MinDef Scholarship. Last Monday (kali lah), durang called me. The first question that the lady asked was "What did you get for your Malay O-level?".. Sekali aku jawaplah "B3 saja" with a sad tone, walaupun aku inda tau siapa becakap atu haha.. So then ia cakap "Oh, OK masih tu!..." and only then ia introduced herself. Weird haha.. They want me to come to their scholarship briefing last Friday. I went there, sekali sudah sampai I waited for Zudin. Tapi di tlipun inda menjawap so naik th ku bas (bangunan where the event will take place ani mesti pakai bas masuk, kerita biasa inda kana suruh. Dunno why.) and off to the hall. Sudah ku masuk, ada rupanya c Zudin sudah! Belacan th banar. One more thing, sudah ku sampai atu baru ku realized yang aku sorang saja pakai baju cara melayu hahaha.. Orang lain semua pakai formal attire. Well inda pulang ku ingau, pasal th tu. lagipun banyak CINA, so pedulith ku tuu..
During the briefing, kami kana explain pasal the selection process. And the selection process begins this month! Arghhhh... Gila, atu panjang processnya! Ada oral interview, written test, short speech, presentation, leadership test and so on. Iatah aku inda berharap langsung ni haha, but Im still gonna take a shot at it. Sayang jua kan, alang2 udah layak atu, cuba saja tia.. And another thing yang ku suka, they specifically stated Computer Science as one of the preferred field. haha, Alhamdulillah. Suka lah ku tarus, iatah aku cuba ani :)
Third one is the BSP scholarship. They are not offering scholarship for Computer Science. Tapi tadi they called and asked whether I still want to go through their assessment center or not and hence their scholarship. Sekali aku gtau lah, "Im keeping my options open." hahaha, sekali katanya bah.. then gtau nya tia that this Tuesday we are going to Seria and tidur sana! Woohoo! Funny thing is, she mentioned that Zudin asked about me when she called her! haha, and katanya "Walaupun we provide one room for each, but you can still share room if you are scared..", atu ketawa ku tarus hahahaha... Sekali katanya if aku dapat scholarship durang, apa course aku mau buat. Ku gtau saja Chemical Engineering.. Pasal awal2 before I did computing for my A-levels, ani plg sebenarnya targetku tapi udah ku belajar computing atu tukar tia jadi Computer Science. Tapi katanya, for Chemical Engineering, mesti buat twinning program arah ITB and arah this one Uni at scotland yang aku inda pernah dangar. This is a real letdown for me... but again, im still gonna try to get this scholarship! hahaha, i heard their assessment center was really hard..
Final one is the MoE scholarships.. The DANA and Special Scheme.. Again, I met the requirements for both of them. So cuba2 lah saja apply.. the DANA one is on the top of my preferred scholarship. Why? Cause the selection process is the simplest of all and yet we still get to choose our future career although kana bonded with the government.
BTW, did you remember about the HSBC Young Entrepreneur Award Competition thingy that Me, Zudin and Liyana joined? Yes, we made it to round 2 haha.. For round 2, we were required to write a business plan. And kami alum start langsung! haha... Tomorrow we are gonna meet at Zudin's house untuk discuss. Mudahan saja sampat buat eh. if inda pun inda pulang papa, as long as we get the certificates.
So, this month aku ada:
1) Projek Belia Cinta Tanah Air
2) HSBC business plan
3) MinDef tests (including a medical checkup..)
4) Mengantar SS borang yang alum ku ambil
5) BSP tests
6) Abgku kan betunang next week! Baru ku tau yesterday :S hahaha..
Pokoknya sibuk lah this month. Kadang2 masa untuk tidur pun dalam 2 jam saja.. hmm.. Tapikan, I do realize that I am currently being offered many opportunities that many can only dream of having. So, I will try my best and let the rest be decided by Allah. Wish me luck! Assalamualaikum..

Saturday, February 6, 2010
So, okay.. my prediction for the release date of our results was a wee bit off, tapi still it wasn't that far haha..
So, tadi around 1.30PM, people started SMS-ing and MSN-ing "results keluar, blablabla", of-course initially only people with inside contacts know their results before kana published, so aku inda berapa peduli lah. Then, ada my chinese fren cakap kawannya sudah kana SMS. Tarus tia ku takut..
Tunggu2 dalam 15mins, ada tia SMS. The verdict is:
Chem:A , Maths:A , Comp:A and............. can i leave this one out?? Well.....
Phy : B :( :( :( :(
So yes, unfortunately my fear of getting B for physics is NOT unfounded. And yes, I am VERY disappointed with myself. Now, everytime people say "Tahniah/COngrats/blabla" , it actually hurts. Gila macam, apakan dicongratulate ni results ku ani??? Ahh, sakit2... So please, don't congratulate me. ok? :)
And BTW, CONGRATULATIONS to our very own AizuddinHY. Now that is one congrats-worthy results. Ia dapat perfect score! 3A! woohoo.. He beat me in Physics.. *Salutes*, so I guess you are the smartest kid now in our circle, yes? At least until those 2 UK-ians get their results anyway hahahhaha...
What else ah.. Hmmm, yang ku tau results kawan2 tani is C Ayam Bini Tuha, but i don't know if she wants me to declare it here or not, so lets just wait for her post, all right?
On the bright side, being around family really helps at such times. My mom and sisters kept saying "Baik udah tu 3A, urang lain mau 3A-level saja", "payah sudah tu kan dapat atu ah, besyukurth." and "B jua saja..." .. entah ah, kalau urang lain cakap macam nada effect, tambah sakit hati ada lah. Tapi kalau family cakap atu mcm soothing wah, like they really mean it.. Ahh, i love my family. May Allah bless my family until the end of our lives, Amin..
So, i guess there will be no bio exam for me this year after all.. And no resits, cause S-scholarship only wants 3A (although sources told me that they only select people who got all A's in all the taken subjects, i.e. AizuddinHY , people like me arent really wanted cause of that one freaking B) but I am still hoping that at least they will still interview me. Amin
At least my 2 offers will be turning to unconditional soon. Hopefully. Imperial alum reply. EH speaking of imperial, rupanya they didn't really need Physics for Computing like they wrote in their prospectus. Ada error, fuhh. haha, baru lagi mencheck tu aku ah.. :D And as for southampton, only one postcard saja from them. No email or anything else. I guess they don't really want me. Sad :( Which is a shame, cause I really enjoyed a talk by one of their computing lecturer masa arah UK Exhibition at Empire.
If worsts comes to worst, I can just shut my mouth up and study at UBD for their twinning program. tapi nauzubillah lah, I will try my best to get ANY scholarship first before surrendering to such fate. But you know what, at least now I already have a good A-level result and I finally can move on to concentrate more on my future plans. And I really am thankful for that, Alhamdulillah..
So, tadi around 1.30PM, people started SMS-ing and MSN-ing "results keluar, blablabla", of-course initially only people with inside contacts know their results before kana published, so aku inda berapa peduli lah. Then, ada my chinese fren cakap kawannya sudah kana SMS. Tarus tia ku takut..
Tunggu2 dalam 15mins, ada tia SMS. The verdict is:
Chem:A , Maths:A , Comp:A and............. can i leave this one out?? Well.....
Phy : B :( :( :( :(
So yes, unfortunately my fear of getting B for physics is NOT unfounded. And yes, I am VERY disappointed with myself. Now, everytime people say "Tahniah/COngrats/blabla" , it actually hurts. Gila macam, apakan dicongratulate ni results ku ani??? Ahh, sakit2... So please, don't congratulate me. ok? :)
And BTW, CONGRATULATIONS to our very own AizuddinHY. Now that is one congrats-worthy results. Ia dapat perfect score! 3A! woohoo.. He beat me in Physics.. *Salutes*, so I guess you are the smartest kid now in our circle, yes? At least until those 2 UK-ians get their results anyway hahahhaha...
What else ah.. Hmmm, yang ku tau results kawan2 tani is C Ayam Bini Tuha, but i don't know if she wants me to declare it here or not, so lets just wait for her post, all right?
On the bright side, being around family really helps at such times. My mom and sisters kept saying "Baik udah tu 3A, urang lain mau 3A-level saja", "payah sudah tu kan dapat atu ah, besyukurth." and "B jua saja..." .. entah ah, kalau urang lain cakap macam nada effect, tambah sakit hati ada lah. Tapi kalau family cakap atu mcm soothing wah, like they really mean it.. Ahh, i love my family. May Allah bless my family until the end of our lives, Amin..
So, i guess there will be no bio exam for me this year after all.. And no resits, cause S-scholarship only wants 3A (although sources told me that they only select people who got all A's in all the taken subjects, i.e. AizuddinHY , people like me arent really wanted cause of that one freaking B) but I am still hoping that at least they will still interview me. Amin
At least my 2 offers will be turning to unconditional soon. Hopefully. Imperial alum reply. EH speaking of imperial, rupanya they didn't really need Physics for Computing like they wrote in their prospectus. Ada error, fuhh. haha, baru lagi mencheck tu aku ah.. :D And as for southampton, only one postcard saja from them. No email or anything else. I guess they don't really want me. Sad :( Which is a shame, cause I really enjoyed a talk by one of their computing lecturer masa arah UK Exhibition at Empire.
If worsts comes to worst, I can just shut my mouth up and study at UBD for their twinning program. tapi nauzubillah lah, I will try my best to get ANY scholarship first before surrendering to such fate. But you know what, at least now I already have a good A-level result and I finally can move on to concentrate more on my future plans. And I really am thankful for that, Alhamdulillah..
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
la la la la
When you are bored, the last thing on your mind is suicide.
- Anonymous
So does that answer your question?
- Anonymous
So does that answer your question?
Movie Review
I have just finished watching The Forbidden Kingdom and I think the whole experience can be summed up into one single word, CRAP!.
Banarr, it was crap-tastic. Which is a shame cause of all the casts in it. Well, not really pulang haha.. Jet Li, typically he would just maintain one facial expression throughout his films. In this context, he was a bit better pulang, but just by a bit. In this film he either smile, maintain a serious face or make that one "funny" monkey face. At least its an improvement right? Hmm.. Then Jackie Chan.. Sama saja macam filem2 lain, nada, nil, zero difference. Then there is that white boy, he was okay i guess. Not too bad but definitely not good. I think OKAY is the perfect word. One exception is the chinese girl, which I think was goooood.. but only when she put her hair in a ponytail though, masa ia inda pakai catu then she became "okay" saja hahaha..
The script was a disaster. It was mostly awkward, tapi ada pulang the funny moments haha.. And the score! Oh man, it was terrible! Hahahha, not really that terrible but after watching Memoirs of a Geisha, i expected better from the western composers when it involved writing a score for asian-oriented movies. I should have known better...
One thing that I realized though are the uncanny similarities with the Lord of the Ring trilogy. I mean, at first the way the group was formed. Then the training. How the weakest was chosen to bear the 'task', then sending the white boy alone. The potion which heals any wounds, the death of the main female character and yada yada yada.. Banyak lah.. I dunno if it was just me, but i really do think that they are at least copying some elements from LOTR.
No character development at all. Even towards the end of the film, I still couldn't care less about what will happen to the characters. It was that bad! The actions was good though, nothing amazing, just the typical kung-fu scenes.
Overall, i would rate it 1.5/5 , honestly I don't know why I am being this generous. Maybe it have something to do with all the chinese in it hahaha...
PS: I am thankful that I didn't download this myself. Got it from my friend. Lucky that I didn't waste any of my bandwidth for this "thing". Fuhh..
Banarr, it was crap-tastic. Which is a shame cause of all the casts in it. Well, not really pulang haha.. Jet Li, typically he would just maintain one facial expression throughout his films. In this context, he was a bit better pulang, but just by a bit. In this film he either smile, maintain a serious face or make that one "funny" monkey face. At least its an improvement right? Hmm.. Then Jackie Chan.. Sama saja macam filem2 lain, nada, nil, zero difference. Then there is that white boy, he was okay i guess. Not too bad but definitely not good. I think OKAY is the perfect word. One exception is the chinese girl, which I think was goooood.. but only when she put her hair in a ponytail though, masa ia inda pakai catu then she became "okay" saja hahaha..
The script was a disaster. It was mostly awkward, tapi ada pulang the funny moments haha.. And the score! Oh man, it was terrible! Hahahha, not really that terrible but after watching Memoirs of a Geisha, i expected better from the western composers when it involved writing a score for asian-oriented movies. I should have known better...
One thing that I realized though are the uncanny similarities with the Lord of the Ring trilogy. I mean, at first the way the group was formed. Then the training. How the weakest was chosen to bear the 'task', then sending the white boy alone. The potion which heals any wounds, the death of the main female character and yada yada yada.. Banyak lah.. I dunno if it was just me, but i really do think that they are at least copying some elements from LOTR.
No character development at all. Even towards the end of the film, I still couldn't care less about what will happen to the characters. It was that bad! The actions was good though, nothing amazing, just the typical kung-fu scenes.
Overall, i would rate it 1.5/5 , honestly I don't know why I am being this generous. Maybe it have something to do with all the chinese in it hahaha...
PS: I am thankful that I didn't download this myself. Got it from my friend. Lucky that I didn't waste any of my bandwidth for this "thing". Fuhh..
Monday, February 1, 2010
Mati batah eh kan keluar results ani! Kalau durang kan buat macam our last june's result, ertinya hari Isnin, 8th Feb baruth keluar! 6 hari lagi tu yo, super lonnggg... I don't know how i managed to wait this long..... eh wait, i do. By eating and sleeping all day long. Crap, makin basar th punggungku ni.
Gila, inda ku tau mengapa. Everytime results kan keluar baruth ku takut. haha. Pasalkan honestly, aku inda berapa belajar this time around. Macam telampau bnyk enjoy ada jua. Im not worried pasal Maths and Chemistry pulang, cause i did my revisions on them properly. Yang ku ingau is Physics! Sal aku cover/revise the whole A2 syllabus in one day wah.. And macam 60% yang ku baca that day was totally new, haha. Maybe pasal aku inda dangar cakap cgku (yang boringnya teramatlah sangat tapi amat baik arah kami) or pasal ia inda pernah ajar kami langsung. Seriously though, mcm banyak ia inda ajar wah. Ish2, takutku eh. Sal if there's even a single B in my results (excluding GP la, duhh, obviously I wont get an A for that ahaha :D ) abis tia hancur punah harapanku untuk dapat this particular scholarship.
Sama lagi satu yang ku ingaukan is Computing! Bukan plg pasal aku inda berapa revise (ok, this is an understatement haha..). I did plg, ganya macam like inda as thorough as i wanted wah. Plus, CIE ani unpredictable. Especially pasal the projects. Although i submitted a brand new project, yang bagiku 200% better than my last one, tapi macam there were many things yang boleh di-improve wah. Hmm..
Pasal maths and chem, ani aku confident sikit lah. Inda jua blh over confident kan, karang if inda dapat (Nauzubillah) aku yang mental breakdown. Ehh entah eh, keluarth kau wah results! So i can just get over you and go on with my life! hahaha, see.. this is what this long wait has done to me :D
So overall apa targetku for my results? Hopefully, 4As lah. Amin amin amin *Laju aminkan tia! sampat masih ni! hahaha* but, worst-case-scenario i think is 2A and 2B.. Nauzubillah.. Noooo, inda ku mau ada B eh, if ada definitely aku re-sit tu! Inda ku peduli! hahaha... Actually, i HAVE to resit if there are 2 Bs sal offers ku mostly 3As..
Ahhh, offerr.. STILL NO NEWS DARI IMPERIAL AH!! Crap eh, ani pun ku ijap nii.. I WANT YOU IMPERIALLLL :( Tapikan masa ani aku mcam kurang sudah sikit harapan atu sal computing department durang ani macam over-competitive wah. Sudahth durang mau admission test, nanti lapas dapat results paksa lagi sit for AEA Maths paper. Syllabus nya lagi weird tu, entah lah. Mudahan saja durang bagi offer without the AEA requirement, Amin... If inda pun, arah Bristol or Southampton ku saja.. Sanang sikit hidupku.. More money untuk aku hahaha..
Tapi one thing for sure, lapas dapat results ani banar-banar ku belajar MIB ni! And yes, I will lie during the interviews this time around. The last interviews taught me that HONESTY won't bring you any goods in these interviews. If dulu durang tanya "Why should we choose you?" aku jawap "Im flexible, highly adaptable with above average intelligence." This time around I will answer "Im a brilliant, hardworking student who wouldn't settle unless I get the best! I am very competitive, confident and is definitely capable of reaching any goals once i have set my mind onto it. With my impressive social skills, I don't see myself having any problems in fitting in with my future colleagues. All that plus my excellent grades and my super-consistent performance, I honestly dont see any reasons why you should not choose me. In case you decide to do so, make no mistake that it will entirely be your loss." HAHAHAHAHAH, gila, mun cematu ku jawap, lagi tia awal kana tandang keluar bilik kali :D . Mun durang balas "You are an extremely cocky, arrogant, pretentious and annoying candidate. I think we have heard enough of your crap. That's all. Thank you for trying." sandi tu eh, hahahah.. Tapi seriously, this time around I will be prepared for these interviews! InsyaAllah.
PS: Blogger J, can you please taruh a tagboard here? Hehehe, pretty pretty pleaseeee... And who put that Perez Hilton link here? I think I seriously hurt my eyes when I visited his(or is it HER?) blog. Thank you! Lap u my nesechi friend :D
Gila, inda ku tau mengapa. Everytime results kan keluar baruth ku takut. haha. Pasalkan honestly, aku inda berapa belajar this time around. Macam telampau bnyk enjoy ada jua. Im not worried pasal Maths and Chemistry pulang, cause i did my revisions on them properly. Yang ku ingau is Physics! Sal aku cover/revise the whole A2 syllabus in one day wah.. And macam 60% yang ku baca that day was totally new, haha. Maybe pasal aku inda dangar cakap cgku (yang boringnya teramatlah sangat tapi amat baik arah kami) or pasal ia inda pernah ajar kami langsung. Seriously though, mcm banyak ia inda ajar wah. Ish2, takutku eh. Sal if there's even a single B in my results (excluding GP la, duhh, obviously I wont get an A for that ahaha :D ) abis tia hancur punah harapanku untuk dapat this particular scholarship.
Sama lagi satu yang ku ingaukan is Computing! Bukan plg pasal aku inda berapa revise (ok, this is an understatement haha..). I did plg, ganya macam like inda as thorough as i wanted wah. Plus, CIE ani unpredictable. Especially pasal the projects. Although i submitted a brand new project, yang bagiku 200% better than my last one, tapi macam there were many things yang boleh di-improve wah. Hmm..
Pasal maths and chem, ani aku confident sikit lah. Inda jua blh over confident kan, karang if inda dapat (Nauzubillah) aku yang mental breakdown. Ehh entah eh, keluarth kau wah results! So i can just get over you and go on with my life! hahaha, see.. this is what this long wait has done to me :D
So overall apa targetku for my results? Hopefully, 4As lah. Amin amin amin *Laju aminkan tia! sampat masih ni! hahaha* but, worst-case-scenario i think is 2A and 2B.. Nauzubillah.. Noooo, inda ku mau ada B eh, if ada definitely aku re-sit tu! Inda ku peduli! hahaha... Actually, i HAVE to resit if there are 2 Bs sal offers ku mostly 3As..
Ahhh, offerr.. STILL NO NEWS DARI IMPERIAL AH!! Crap eh, ani pun ku ijap nii.. I WANT YOU IMPERIALLLL :( Tapikan masa ani aku mcam kurang sudah sikit harapan atu sal computing department durang ani macam over-competitive wah. Sudahth durang mau admission test, nanti lapas dapat results paksa lagi sit for AEA Maths paper. Syllabus nya lagi weird tu, entah lah. Mudahan saja durang bagi offer without the AEA requirement, Amin... If inda pun, arah Bristol or Southampton ku saja.. Sanang sikit hidupku.. More money untuk aku hahaha..
Tapi one thing for sure, lapas dapat results ani banar-banar ku belajar MIB ni! And yes, I will lie during the interviews this time around. The last interviews taught me that HONESTY won't bring you any goods in these interviews. If dulu durang tanya "Why should we choose you?" aku jawap "Im flexible, highly adaptable with above average intelligence." This time around I will answer "Im a brilliant, hardworking student who wouldn't settle unless I get the best! I am very competitive, confident and is definitely capable of reaching any goals once i have set my mind onto it. With my impressive social skills, I don't see myself having any problems in fitting in with my future colleagues. All that plus my excellent grades and my super-consistent performance, I honestly dont see any reasons why you should not choose me. In case you decide to do so, make no mistake that it will entirely be your loss." HAHAHAHAHAH, gila, mun cematu ku jawap, lagi tia awal kana tandang keluar bilik kali :D . Mun durang balas "You are an extremely cocky, arrogant, pretentious and annoying candidate. I think we have heard enough of your crap. That's all. Thank you for trying." sandi tu eh, hahahah.. Tapi seriously, this time around I will be prepared for these interviews! InsyaAllah.
PS: Blogger J, can you please taruh a tagboard here? Hehehe, pretty pretty pleaseeee... And who put that Perez Hilton link here? I think I seriously hurt my eyes when I visited his(or is it HER?) blog. Thank you! Lap u my nesechi friend :D
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