Saturday, February 6, 2010


So, okay.. my prediction for the release date of our results was a wee bit off, tapi still it wasn't that far haha..

So, tadi around 1.30PM, people started SMS-ing and MSN-ing "results keluar, blablabla", of-course initially only people with inside contacts know their results before kana published, so aku inda berapa peduli lah. Then, ada my chinese fren cakap kawannya sudah kana SMS. Tarus tia ku takut..

Tunggu2 dalam 15mins, ada tia SMS. The verdict is:

Chem:A , Maths:A , Comp:A and............. can i leave this one out?? Well.....
Phy : B :( :( :( :(

So yes, unfortunately my fear of getting B for physics is NOT unfounded. And yes, I am VERY disappointed with myself. Now, everytime people say "Tahniah/COngrats/blabla" , it actually hurts. Gila macam, apakan dicongratulate ni results ku ani??? Ahh, sakit2... So please, don't congratulate me. ok? :)

And BTW, CONGRATULATIONS to our very own AizuddinHY. Now that is one congrats-worthy results. Ia dapat perfect score! 3A! woohoo.. He beat me in Physics.. *Salutes*, so I guess you are the smartest kid now in our circle, yes? At least until those 2 UK-ians get their results anyway hahahhaha...

What else ah.. Hmmm, yang ku tau results kawan2 tani is C Ayam Bini Tuha, but i don't know if she wants me to declare it here or not, so lets just wait for her post, all right?

On the bright side, being around family really helps at such times. My mom and sisters kept saying "Baik udah tu 3A, urang lain mau 3A-level saja", "payah sudah tu kan dapat atu ah, besyukurth." and "B jua saja..." .. entah ah, kalau urang lain cakap macam nada effect, tambah sakit hati ada lah. Tapi kalau family cakap atu mcm soothing wah, like they really mean it.. Ahh, i love my family. May Allah bless my family until the end of our lives, Amin..

So, i guess there will be no bio exam for me this year after all.. And no resits, cause S-scholarship only wants 3A (although sources told me that they only select people who got all A's in all the taken subjects, i.e. AizuddinHY , people like me arent really wanted cause of that one freaking B) but I am still hoping that at least they will still interview me. Amin

At least my 2 offers will be turning to unconditional soon. Hopefully. Imperial alum reply. EH speaking of imperial, rupanya they didn't really need Physics for Computing like they wrote in their prospectus. Ada error, fuhh. haha, baru lagi mencheck tu aku ah.. :D And as for southampton, only one postcard saja from them. No email or anything else. I guess they don't really want me. Sad :( Which is a shame, cause I really enjoyed a talk by one of their computing lecturer masa arah UK Exhibition at Empire.

If worsts comes to worst, I can just shut my mouth up and study at UBD for their twinning program. tapi nauzubillah lah, I will try my best to get ANY scholarship first before surrendering to such fate. But you know what, at least now I already have a good A-level result and I finally can move on to concentrate more on my future plans. And I really am thankful for that, Alhamdulillah..

1 comment:

Blogger J said...

It's OK mate! You know I support ya no matter what grades you get. And Southampton are usually slow in replying (after they interview us UK scholars), don't give up hope yet!